7:51 AMWith some of the most prestigious and ancient institutions present in the US, its influence over global power structures - politically, socially and economically - has never been more evident. Whether it's the World Bank, the IMF, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley or the Federal Reserve, all global establishments, private or public, are recruiting talent from the well-known institutions in the US.
There is a breadth of knowledge in a diverse range of subjects that must be wired into, especially for aspiring leaders of the future. The networking experience and the learning gained during the time spent at a US institution help you on the path towards excellence and eventually success. As a result of the diversity of modules, top quality faculty and the overall student cultural enhancement, their commitment to excellence remains evident in the most objective of measures, i.e. the World University Rankings, where over 40 Universities in the World Top 100 are in the United States. Moreover, 6 of the Top 10 Universities in the World are also in the United States. If you wish to study in USA, this article is for you.WATCH VIDEO HERE